Friday, October 31, 2014

Ragam Saya di media Sosial

*Kena mengaku post tittle terlalu formal!.bhahaha*


      Mengapa kadang-kadang kita dah usaha,dah doa,dah rajin gegiler,dah push tahap gaban,tapi apa yang kita harapkan masih tak kunjung tiba?.Sampai satu tahap kita ter-mengeluh kat Allah,

"Ya allah,aku dah solat,aku baca quran tiap-tiap hari,solat dhuha seminggu 2 kali,baca mathurat,tapi masih apa yang aku doakan tak kunjung tiba?apa berat sangatkah permintaan ku ini ya tuhan?"


     Sering sangat dengar member dan manusia meragam bila apa yang diminta tak kunjung tiba kan?,
kita minta macam-macam dekat Allah,

"saya nak straight A's SPM,makbulkn doa saya ini ya allah.."

"Ya Tuhan,Aku nak berhenti merokok,tolong tuhan,bantu aku,tahan nafsu aku nk rokok..duit banyak habis kat sini je,,tolong aku tuhan"

"Ya Allah,jika dia jodoh-ku,maka satukanlah kami dengan tali ikatan yang sah ya Allah..lembutkanlah hati ibu bapa-ku dan kedua ibu bapanya untuk menerima dan membenarkan kami mengikat tali pernikahan ini ya Allah.Jika dia bukan jodohku,,engkau pesongknlah hatinya suapaya suka kepada ku juga ya allah,,tolong ya Allah, Engkaulah yang maha mendengar lagi maha melihat,yang memberi rezeki,"

*Ok yang no tiga tu tulih sungguh-sungguh.hihi*

     Terkadang kita terlalu banyak meminta tapi sangat sedikit memberi.IYA,memberi semula kepada Allah.

"Eh?Allah tak perlukan kita lah akhi,kita yang perlu kat Allah,so nk guna ayat memberi pada Allah tu macam tak tepat je bro?"

     Herm,memberi disini bermakna adalah memberi ketaatan kita kepada Allah bro,memberi hati dan jiwa kita kepada Allah.Bila mana kita serahkan hidup kita,apa yang berlaku dalam hidup kita hanya, kepada ALLAH.Pernah tak rasa apa yang kita buat,apa yang kita cakap,apa yang kita comment,apa ya kita Tweet,semua,semua tu sebenarnya akan mempengaruhi hubungan kita dengan Allah?tak en??,mesti tak pernah terfikir.Sebab menda-menda macam ni nampak sangaat kecil dimata kita,tapi sebenarnya dia memainkan peranan yang sangat besar.Kita solat sehari  5 kali,,baca Quran paling koman 2 page sehari,,solat nawafil pun tak pernah tinggal,tapi takdapat jugak apa yang kita nak?
 kerna mungkin lidah kita ada sakitkan hati orang kut?.Kerna mungkin tweet kita yang hanya maximum 160 character kat twitter tu ada mengguris hati orang? kita sebarkan fitnah hanya dengan retweet dan share gambo,kata-kata dan kengkadang video.Pernah terfikir?

     Menda-menda kecik macam ni lah yang selalunya kite terlepas pandang.Siapa sangka,dengan hanya keyboard dan mouse pun dah boleh porak-perandakan manusia.Banyak sangat contohnya,Team siber Kerajaan lawan team siber Pembangkang, Hackers Palestin VS Israel Defense Force,, paling dekat, baca lah komen-komen dekat IIUM online,bhahaha.Kita terlalu senang menaip dan mengkritik sehingga kita lupa setiap enter dan like serta share itu sebenarnya menyumbang kepada dosa dan pahala kita.Ibarat Carry mark tuh,kalau banyak negatif je,sikit ler pahala nya,dosanya yang banyok,en?.

     So,nak nasihat diri sendiri dan awak-awak yang tengah bace dengan muka hambar ni,sama-samalh kita menjaga adab dan percakapan,perlakuan kita baik di dunia siber ataupun dunia bese nih.Tiap kali nak tweet,nk share,nk comment,nk like,pikir dulu betul ke salah,baik je buruk? hokeh?.jangan sampai kat akhirat nanti kita jadi orang yang muflis,tau dok sapo?

 "Dari Abu Hurairah ra bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Tahukah kamu siapakah orang yang muflis?" Sahabat menjawab: "Orang yang muflis dalam kalangan kami ialah seseorang yang tidak memiliki dirham (wang) dan juga tidak memiliki harta". Lalu Nabi saw bersabda:'Sebenarnya orang yang muflis dari kalangan ummatku ialah orang yang datang pada hari kiamat dengan membawa pahala solat,pahala puasa dan zakat, tetapi (dahulunya sewaktu di dunia) ia pernah mencaci maki si fulan,menuduh si fulan, memakan harta si fulan,menumpahkan darah si fulan,dan pernah memukul si fulan.Maka akan diberikan kepada orang yang teraniaya itu daripada pahala kebaikkan orang tadi dan begitu pula seterusnya kepada orang lain yang pernah teraniaya, ia akan diberikan pula daripada pahala kebaikkan orang tadi, sehingga apabila telah habis pahalanya sedangkan bebanan dosa penganiayaannya belum dijelaskan (belum dapat dibayar semua), maka akan diambil daripada kesalahan orang yang teraniaya itu lalu dibebankan kepada orang tersebut, maka selanjutnya orang itu akan dicampakkan ke dalam api neraka"
(Hadis Riwayat Muslim)

 Selain mandi untuk sucikan jasad kita,jangan terlupa sucikan juga hati kita ea? .Senyum XD

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Welcoming Muharram,the Sacred Month


        In seventh century Arabia, a messenger was given a divine message.The message was the Quran,the revealed scripture of Islam,and from it flowed,like an immense system of tributaries, a body of laws and spiritual practices, a worldview and patterns of behaviour that have imprinted countless generations of people from western Africa to Indonesia, a flowering of sciences and arts that became crowning achievements of a great civilizations,and above all from it reminds every soul that there is other world and dimensions of existence awaits after the joys and difficulties of this life are finished.This is Islam.The divine religion.

          With the sighting of the new moon the Islamic new year is ushered in. The first month muharram,is a month of great reward and virtue.Muharram itself means ‘sacred’ and is from those months which have been mentioned as sacred in the holy Quran.There are four month that is ‘sacred’ in Islamic calendar which is Muharram,Zul-qaedah,Zul-hijjah and Rajab.Almighty Allah states in the holy quran,
          “The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve(in a year)- so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth, of them four are sacred: that is the straight usage. So wrong yourselves therein, and fight the Pagans all together as they fight you all together.But know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves.(at-taubah:36)

          Abu Bakar(May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the prophet (peace and blessing of Allah upon him) said:”The year is twelve months of which four are sacred,the three consecutive months of Zul-qaedah,zul hijjah and muharram,and rajab mudar which comes between jumadah and sha’ban”[Reported by al-bukhari, 2958]

Muharram is so called because it is a sacred(muharram) month and to confirm its sanctity.Allah’s words(interpretation of the meaning):” wrong not yourself therein…” mean do not wrong yourselves in this sacred months, because sin in these months is much worse than in the other months.So,sin in these months is more serious and good deed brings a greater reward.


          From out of the four scared months,Muharram has been blessed with certain specific virtues:-The holy prophet Muhammad saw said: “The best of fast besides the month of Ramadhan is the fasting of Allah’s month of Muharram.”(Muslim).The phrase “Allah’s month” connecting the name of the month to the name of allah in a genitive grammatical structure,signifies the importance of the month.Al-Qari said:” The apparent meaning is all of the month of muharram.”But it was proven that the prophet never fasted any whole month apart from Ramadhan,so this hadith is probably meant to encourage increasing one’s fasting during muharram,without meaning that one should fast for the entire month.

           The Day of Ashura.Although the month of muharram is a sacred month as a whole,the 10th of Muharram is the most sacred among all its day.It is one of the most important and blessed days of Allah in the Islamic calendar.According to Ibnu Abbas ra,when he holy prophet migrated to Madinah,he found that the jews of Madinah used to fast on the 10th day of Muharram.they said that it was the day on which the holy prophet Musa as and his followers crossed the Red sea miraculously,and the pharaoh was drowned in its water.On hearing this,The holy prophet saw said   ” We are more closely related to Musa than you  ”.So the prophet saw directed the muslims to fast on the day of Ashura.(Abu Dawood)

          According to other hadith,it is more advisable that the fast off Ashura should be either preceeded or suceded by an additional fast.It means that one should fast two days: 9th and 10th of muharram or the 10th and 11th og Muharram.The reason of this additional fast is that the jews used to fast on the day of Ashura alone,and the holy prophet want to distinguish the islamic way of fasting from that of the jews.Therefore,He advised muslims to add another fast to the day of Ashura.

Innovations common on Ashura

          However there are some legends and misconceptions regarding the day of Ashura.Majority of  it does not have authentic islamic sources to support it.Among it is:

1)The day the prophet Adam AS was created.

2)This is the day when prophet Ibrahim AS was born.

3)This is the day when Allah accepted the repentance of prophet Adam AS.

4)This is the day when doomsday will take place.

          All these and other similar whims and fancies are baseless and the traditions referred to in this respect  are not worthy of any credit.Some people take it as sunnah to prepare a particular type of meal on the day of Ashura.This practice,too,has no any authentic islamic sources.Meanwhile,some other people relates the day of Ashura with the martyrdom of Sayidina Husayn ra.No doubt,the martyrdom of Saidina husayn is one of the most tragic episode in islamic history.Yet,the sanctity of Ashura cannot be ascribed to this event for the simple reason that the sanctity of Ashura was established during the days of the prophet much earlier than the birth of Al-Husayn.On the contrary,it is one of the merits of Al-Husayn that his martyrdom took place on this blessed day.

Wrong practices in celebrating the month of Muharram

          Another wrong practices related to this holy month is to hold the lamentation and mourning ceremonies in the memory of martyrdom of Sayidina Husayn ra. Plus,the people of pre-islamic ignorance era used to mourn over their deceased through loud lamentations,by tearing their clothes and by beating their cheecks and chests.The prophet saw prevented muslims from doing so and directed them to observe patience by saying “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raaji’un”(To Allah we belong,and to him is our return).A numbers of authentic narrations are available on the subject.

          As a conclusion,muslims should celebrates the month of Muharram with the right and approved practices by the syari’a.Furthermore,as Muharram is the first month in the islamic calendar,we should try our best to keep the momentums of our good deeds throughout the whole year by starting brightly in the month of Muharram.May Allah give us the strength and passions to take the most benefits out of this holy month.